Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Day 7

Tonight is a softball night, I usually get drunk on softball night during or after the game and well yes sometimes even before. I expect to have no trouble abstaining tonight. However, on Friday night one of my friends is having a Birthday/Kegger and I thinking maybe a break from the strait edge project would be a good idea. Maybe I will just show up and see how good of a party it is and take it from their?? Either way I am going to be giving this some heavy consideration within the next few days.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Day 6

So I made it through Sunday which was by far the most difficult day as of yet. Honestly, I haven't been sober on a Sunday for at least 3 years. Workdays are much easier to get through since most of the day is already over once I punch out. When I got home today I stuffed my face with so much pasta and rice that now I can barley even move. I will probably just watch some TV (gonna try out that Prison Break Show on Fox) or watch a movie. Last night I watched Brazil for the first time and it was easily one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. I am now in the process of watching (and in some cases re-watching) everything Terry Gilliam ever did.

Well, that is all I have for today, hopefully I will have something interesting to say here. So far this shit has been pretty boring.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Day 5 The 1st Sunday

Right now all I can think about it drinking, smoking & waking off. Seriously I would take anything right now. Pot, Pillz, I could open up my liquor cabinet and be feelin' fine in less than 10min. This of course makes me want to give in to temptation even less. I mean fuck what fun would this be if it was easy. Shit I have to find something else to occupy my time, and this is just now working.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Day 4 a Saturday

Well it has been a pretty standard Sat. actually. Except now I am on my way to a bonfire with some drinking buddies. It might be a little weird, but I am not to concerned. I have SMG here with me until noon tomorrow. After she goes home that when it is really gonna be hard.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Day Fucking 3

Yes you guessed it I am starting to get a little bit agitated. During my approx. hour commute to work I think of great shit to post here, but by the time I get to here I just get consumed & stressed out by all of the shit I have to get done. I will link you to what is currently my favorite song Mr. Brightside-The Killers-Hot Fuss-2004 granted this will probably only last through out the weekend and I will be onto something else.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Day 1 & 2

I didn't get around to posting yesterday because I was dead fucking tired. I only got 2 hours of sleep and was hung over as hell. This normally is not a problem with the use of coffee & pills, but those being off limits now I was dragging ass all day.

Last night however I did manage to get about 10 hours of sleep. I woke up groggy as hell and was craving a cup of coffee to start the day. Now at the point of writing this I am wound up and being very productive at work. I am still not sure what I am going to do when I get home from work?? Normally I would just drink til' passing out. Well fuck UdaMAN is coming over, and I actually think that is going to make me want to drink more.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Day Before The First Day

As of midnight tonight the Straight Edge Project begins. No drinking, drugs, smoking, caffeine, masturbation, or fast food for 30 days. I will elaborate more at a later date cuz I am really fucking hung over right now, and the theory is that once I start to sober up, over the course of this project, I will become more clear headed and need new things to fill my time. Hopefully this experiment will not fail and I will be able to document shit here on a regular basis.

Later tonight I will be at the bar enjoying my last night of drinking and smoking. UdaMAN enjoyed hers last night. Since she ended the night by projectile vomiting all over my house (bathroom, Scurtis room, and herself) she should have no trouble giving up drinking for awhile after a night like that. I don't know about you, but when I vomit like that I often utter the phrase "never again". I just hope she's not dead & makes it to her 1st day of school this morning. When I kicked her she seemed dead??