Friday, October 28, 2005

Due to my recent problems (2 months ago) with my email address, I have decided that it is time to purchase my own domain name. What is a domain name, well here is an example that should clear up that: or Pretty simple huh and they only cost like $9 for 5 years. After finding that price out I am not sure why I didn't purchase one years ago.

Now I have already purchased the web hosting at $50 for the year and my current domain is and I will only be able to use that until Nov 2006. So I might as well do it sooner rather than later. With my $50 I get 10 email addresses that I can add to the domain name ( So, on to the point WTF should my domain name be?? It has to be simple and easy to spell allowing you to just verbally tell someone and they will be able to remember & spell it without writing it down.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

uDaMan sometimes notDaMan

So uDaMan just broke up with her boyfriend sCurtis, and she has been complaining about what an asshole he is/was whatever. On thursday I was just going to watch some TV & go to bed sober, but uDaMan wanted to come over and get shitfaced. So that is what we did and the night turned out to be pretty fucking lame for reasons that are not important to this story. When when I decided to call it a night I hear uDaMan complaining that she can't stay because the has not contact solution. So she goes in search of a solution that doesn't involve her drinking & driving. After she rejects my offers to help, which I seemed to think were helpful at the time, but again not important to the story. I continue to get ready for sleep, and this is when I catch here writing this letter:


I just wanted you to know that if I die tonight that always loved you and probabley always would've but I tried to wake you up because I needed someone but you just yelled at me I'll miss you & tell my brother that I love him and wish the best for both of you

Now I have just typed this letter word for word because I was able to literally twist her arm in order to recover this crumpled up note from her fist. She really didn't want to give it up. After reading it I am sure everyone can see why. It is not extremely embarrassing, but it is defiantly over dramatic teenage bullshit and I did her a favor by intercepting this. It really doesn't matter who reads this here as long as sCurtis himself doesn't get to see it. Don't worry it is safe from his eyes here. Although he might be gifted enough to actually turn the computer on I am sure that this internet thing still baffles him.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I haven't posted in awhile, but I just had to with this one. You have to admit this is pretty damn funny.