Saturday, December 03, 2005

Eight Can Dump Soup

I'm a single guy and often eat alone which means when it comes to cooking I'm like; fuck that its not worth investing a lot of time. Don't get me wrong I can cook, it is easy, and that is why I will never understand why some people claim to be unable to do it. Like many other single guys I just want to eat now and get it over with most of the time it is more of an inconvenience than anything else. I am also a poor guy witch means that fast food is out. So I end up eating a lot of Mac&Cheese, Ramen, Rice A Ron, or Hamburger Helper, you know anything that can be ready to eat in 10 min and 1 batch also provides me with lunch for the next day.

Now there is another thing that I have been doing lately and that is making a shit-load of food on the weekend and then reheating and eating that for the rest of the week. Last week I made spaghetti and right now I am making 8 Can Dump Soup for my 2nd time ever. This soup is great and very easy to make and most importantly since there are 8 cans of soup that go into it this one batch will feed me for the entire week. Want the recipe well here it is:

1 can chili with beans
1 can chili without beans
1 can whole kernel corn
1 can green beans
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can mixed vegetables
1 can vegetable soup with beef & barley
1 can diced potatoes
1 package ranch dressing (tha powdered shit)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks good, although I am not sure about the chili. I will have to take your word for it. As far as bachelor eating, you are correct, that if poor, fast food USE to be pricey, not anymore. Thanks to McD's, you can get a shiat load of food for $3. Also, tv dinners can be obtained for 9 for $10, and Frozen Pizza is ALWAYS on sale. Also, Cubs knock off "Chunky" soap is, infact edible, and fairy cheap. Btu if non of this sounds appetizing, there is always the option of skipping food, and just living off of Pabst Blue Ribbon--AFB

10:40 AM  

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