Friday, February 24, 2006

most movies suck ballz

I don't go to the movies a lot these days. Let's face it most of them are shit. The only summer blockbuster I will go see for sure is X3, I hear Gene is coming back to life and they will do a rendition of The Phoenix Saga as alluded to by the symbol in the water at the end of X2.

The other movie is A Scanner Darkly (July 7, 2006 release). Ever since I saw the trailer for this movie before Constantine I have been really excited about it. I even read through as many Philip K. Dick books as I could. Philip K. Dick has always been a huge hit in Hollywood. Several of his novels have been adapted to the big screen such as Blade Runner, Minority Report, and Paycheck. A Scanner Darkly was published in 1977 and unfortunately I have not had a chance to read it yet. The other appeal is of course the unique animation technique used known as rotoscoping. Here is a link to a very interesting article about what the director Richard Linklater had to go through to bring this project to life. As you can tell from the trailer it looks to be worth all of his efforts.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

an open email to my cousin

Word on the street is that we will have to attend a wedding? I know uDaMan is excited about it that will make 4 this year for her and the new B.F. (his nickname is still pending). Me I hate weddings, I might have to come down with a serious case of violent diarrhea the night of. In other news uDaMan will be celebrating her 21st B-Day on Saturday which she is also very excited about. I am not really sure why because the lush has been drinking at bars for the last 2 years anyway so you tell me what's the big fuckin' deal bitch? Personally I am just hoping to get some more shots like I did on Matt's 21st.

Now that's good Internet!!


Question: Why can't Paula Abdul find a man?
Answer: Her breath still smells like Arsenio's balls!!!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Drunk Postin

K got this new idea, where I just post drunk. This way I will post without thought and just let the BS flow through me like the piss into the yurnal after all dat beer...yay (great metaphore huh). The spelling will be bad (@ least 4 tonight cuz my OCD will certainly make me spell check this in the morning). But anyway a quick recap before I watch 24 on my TiVo. Went to happy hour @ Friar Tucks in Flake with uDaman & UDMBF (proper nickname pending) drank more than I wanted then tried so switch bars. Other bar suxed & ended up back @ Tucks with Spark & husband. We drank more now i kind of drunk & redy to watch Jack Bauer Kill 4 Jesus.

--Good Night 2 all & always remember the Satan Loves U!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Olympic Snowboarding

Even tho I finally understand how curling is played, mostly thanks to the fact that the US and Russian Women's curling teams have some really hot chicks. The two events I was most interested in seeing were the Half Pipe, and in its Olympic debut the Snowboard Cross. Predictably the US dominated the field. As expected 19 year old Shaun White aka "The Flying Tomato" (I hate that fucking nickname) took the gold in mens half pipe along with Danny Kass taking home his 2nd silver medal. Seth Wescot won gold in the Mens Snowboard Cross.

In case you haven't herd the US favorite in Women Snowboard Cross Lindsey Jacobellis screwed herself out of a gold medal by attempting a method air on the 2nd to the last jump and falling flat on her ass. This blew her huge lead on her competition. She was even lucky to get the silver medal due to the face that two of the four riders had fallen earlier and one didn't get up. Those are the facts and I really don't want to say anything more about it because she is getting slammed in the press. Personally I really feel bad for her because she made a huge mistake that she is going to have to live with for the rest of her life. Seriously, I do not know how I would ever deal with fucking up like that.

But onto how I have spent the better part of my morning here and what this post is really about. The Women's Half Pipe silver medalist 24 year old Gretchen Bleiler. Here is the link to her FHM photo spread. She missed the Olympics in 2002 by the smallest margin possible and was favored to win the gold in Torino. That honor was taken by the ugly girl now don't get her confused with the really ugly girl who took 4th. My new found obsession with Bleiler has had me prematurely searching for photos all morning. I say prematurely because the olympics are not even over yet. The games have given her the most exposure that she has ever had. Although I personally did know who she was prior to the games thanks to a wonderful Time Magazine article and the fact that I have been watching the tour on my TiVo. Her true hotness is often hidden by the baggy snowboarding gear and raccoon eyes from the goggles. With her new silver medal her phone has to be ringing off the hook with modeling offers. My prediction is that by March you will see her hot ass pedaling everything from makeup to anal lube. Of course with me she will not need it because I would furiously lick her asshole until it open up wide enough for me to slide right in!!

How's that for a sports post?

Monday, February 13, 2006

I Love The Ramones

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Set your TiVo

The last 4 episodes of Arrested Development are airing tomorrow night on FOX from 7-9pm. This could be the last new episodes ever of one of the best shows on TV. Now I realize that FOX has not promoted this at all and most of you have no clue or don't give a shit. That is why, sadly that this excellent show has been canceled prematurely.

But for those of you who know what I am talking about I am sure you will enjoy this 1 last 2 hour showing as much as I will.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Taking RSS Mainstream

This is a great article. In my opinion RSS feeds are already easy as hell to use, but I have been having trouble tunring people onto them. It really has changed the way that I use the internet.

Taking RSS Mainstream: "

Several recent posts from the likes of Fred Wilson, Dave Winer, and Dion Hinchcliffe are futhering the debate about how to turn RSS into a universally adopted web technology.

The whole point of RSS is to make syndication really simple, not only for publishers, but for subscribers/users as well. That's the rub — most users aren't aware of what RSS is, let alone how to subscribe to feeds, how to use a feed reader, or why either of those things are worth their trouble. As Winer argues, getting RSS to 'bust out' is a two step process. First, make RSS feeds even easier to find. Second, create a subscription service that's public, centralized, and has OPML integration. This would allow users to collect all of their feeds in one place and access them from any browser.

Strong theories. I'm sure that the big net companies would be willing to adopt a framework that allows that kind of functionality with a little bit of goading from the RSS big-wigs. Personally, I can see browser-based RSS tools becoming the magic link that will draw a lot of the casual users in. The browser, being a tool that everyone on the web is already familiar with, is the ultimate pathway for mass adoption of web-based technologies. Marry a strong RSS experience in the browser with a killer web service that makes feeds portable and searchable, and you can get RSS over the hump. Or, maybe the key is further standardization. Most non-web-savvy users will adpot a technology more quickly when there are only two or three choices for software/service instead of forty.

Either way, I'd wager that the release of Internet Explorer 7 will open a great many eyes to the glory of RSS. Your mom and dad will be reading RSS feeds when that happens, (presuming that they, like mine, don't already have an RSS reader on their desktop).

Then again, I'm not a visionary, I'm just an observer. Food for thought."

(Via Monkey Bites.)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Super Bowl XL

Hello All,

It is Super Bowl time, once again.. And if you are receiving this email, you are cordially invited to A.F.B.'s House on Sunday for the festivities which are, but not limited too:

Tackle Football Game
Feed bag
Super Bowl Game
Annual 3-Ball Tourney
Anything else we can think of

Metzler will be buying a big ol' Keg in honor of his Darbj Super Bowl win, so all we ask is that you bring a drink or food item

Please let me know if you plan on coming Early for the Tackle Football game, just for the Super Bowl, Both, or Neither.

Also, if I have overlooked anybody on this list, let me know.


I have to say that the party was a huge success. Radmacher makes good chili, I came out $3 ahead in the 3-Ball Tourney, and we cashed the keg. I also learned a few things such as putting gummy bears in beer makes it smell fruity, but doesn't affect the taste. Some where in the twin cities there is a magical theatre that plays 3D porn. ICP doesn't appreciate it when I talk about poop. Most importantly that I am so out of shape that if I do play tackle football my entire body will ache for at least 3 days. Here are all the pics.

Friday, February 03, 2006

First goatsee

I have been very eager to get on this Flickr group ever since I first found it a month ago. Finally today I made my first and second post. I am very excited about this and will hopefully be making more in the very near future.