Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Bloody Cunt Receptionist

10:09:19 AM AFB: OMG
10:09:36 AM AFB: Dude, check out the email I just got from the receptionist

10:09:52 AM AFB: We were emailing about Iron count for the Blood Drive

10:10:18 AM AFB: The sad thing is, I just had an awesome steak on Saturday! My blood cunt should have been good ;(

10:10:43 AM Yellowbeard: ha bloody cunts are never good

10:10:54 AM Yellowbeard: is she fly go get a pic of her

10:11:01 AM AFB: No

10:11:13 AM AFB: She is older. Nice redhead.. BUt married with children

10:11:23 AM AFB: I wonder if I should tell her about the slip!

10:12:05 AM Yellowbeard: for sure, just reply with it in quotes and say: i think i found a typo in this sentence.

10:12:24 AM AFB: I cant believe it made it past spell check!

10:14:32 AM Yellowbeard: well my spell check flags it on only 2 of the 4 applications i just tried it on 1 for 2 on email clients

10:14:48 AM AFB: Hmm

10:14:59 AM AFB: If I reply to that message, I will go down!

10:15:22 AM Yellowbeard: go down on her bloody cunt?

10:15:55 AM AFB: NASTY

10:16:16 AM Yellowbeard: u said it not me, freak

10:16:32 AM AFB: I didnt say that!

10:17:06 AM Yellowbeard: "If I reply to that message, I will go down!" then WTF is that supposed to mean?

10:17:31 AM AFB: Like down as in verbally repromanded by the x starved HR lady

10:18:21 AM Yellowbeard: that is BS all you did was catch a typo

10:18:49 AM AFB: I knwo

10:19:04 AM AFB: But I dont think I am going to tell her. SHe will feel retarded

10:25:32 AM darbarcer: I told her

10:27:17 AM yellowbeardmac: well what did she say?

10:27:46 AM darbarcer: She hasn't responded yet

10:35:27 AM darbarcer: She just called me to APOLOGIIZE!

Here is the email correspondence that started it all:
Bloody Cunt Receptionist:
A big "Thank you!" to everyone who participated in Monday's Blood Drive!

We ended up making our goal this time around (a minimum of 35 pints drawn), not always an easy feat! Here are the numbers:

It would have been 34 useable Pints, but I didn't tell them about my Bovine injections in the Congo!

Bloody Cunt Receptionist:
Or about the needle-sharing episodes, eh???

No, I told them about that... They let THAT slide... They said I had good Iron count!

Bloody Cunt Receptionist:
Oh, as oppsed to ME, is that it?!?

Oh no, I didn't say that! I heard (other girl) just barely made it though... She needs to eat more red meat! All you ladies do Get that count up a bit!

Bloody Cunt Receptionist:
The sad thing is, I just had an awesome steak on Saturday! My blood cunt should have been good ;(


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