Friday, December 30, 2005

Backup Your Data

The end of the year is upon us and now is as good time as any to back up your data. I have burned 4 DVD-Rs today alone. This does not include my almost weekly backups of MP3z and Porn. These 4 disks include, but are not limited to:

my financial tracker
internet bookmarks
email client
both address books
my calendar
cd catalogs
iPhoto library

Remember, removable media is cheap, but lost data is irreplaceable and if you are like me this also frees up some hard drive space.

Have a happy new year.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

an IM with uDaMan asking her to post

12:44:56 PM uDaMan: no i can't write about any of my friends they are chicks they'll just get pissed and cry they can't take a joke plus then i would have to work and live with them
12:45:29 PM uDaMan: did you watch nip tuck last night
12:45:34 PM uDaMan: it was fuckin awsome
12:45:50 PM uDaMan: i thought i was going to have a heart attack
12:46:12 PM yellowbeardmac: no i started watching Undeclared instead and once i started i couldn't stop
12:46:24 PM yellowbeardmac: i will watch it 2night or thurs
12:46:46 PM yellowbeardmac: you could do a post on Scurtis, he doesn't even know how to use a computer
12:47:56 PM uDaMan: yeah i got something funny that happend on mon
12:51:50 PM uDaMan: i went over there to watch a movie and have a few drinks and when the movie was over i was leaving and i asked him to have a cigg with me before i leave and he said "You don't have to go, you can sleep over" and I said "No, because then i would just end up sleeping with you and were no longer dating so that's not going to happen." then he said "Well would you wanna start dating again i miss you and it dosen't really feel like were broken up anyway." and i said "no thank you i'm really in joying just being friends." and then i left
12:52:48 PM uDaMan: it felt good and i hope he cried after i left because the only reason he wants me back it because he to much of a loser to find anyone else
12:53:45 PM yellowbeardmac: now that's a good post sign up & post it right now AFB will be proud

Devin Townsend - Synchestra - 2006

Well I knew this was coming, I even posted earlier when I first learned about it. It only took me about 40 days to get it once I learned about it. Hell, I have nothing to complain about I still have it over 2 months before the release date.

Here is a link to the Torrent File and a direct download link from my FTP Site.

Now I have been heavily into Hevy Devy, The Dev, Mr. T or whatever you want to call him, when I saw him live in in 2003 with Strapping Young Lad opening for "The Mighty" Meshuggah. I had herd DTB & SYL before, but you can never really get Devin until you see him live. Witch I have done two times since my first show in 2003, and highly recommend for anyone who considers themselves a "Heavy Metal Fan". You can check out this live SYL sample from an earlier post.

What I really wanted to do was post an album review here, but I am just not quite ready to do it at this time. Having only listened to Synchestra 5-6 times through since downloading it on Monday (according to the play count on my iPod) it is really just starting to sink in. It is definitely not as catchy as the previous release 2003's Accelerated Evolution, but in time I might be so bold as to compare it to my all time favorite DTB release 1997's Ocean Machine.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Fist Shaped D. Do

The product itself was funny enough *note the Add to Wedding Registry link. Then when I read scrolled down to the reviews I almost shat myself. This one is my favorite:

I just love this item. Anytime I need that extra feeling I reach for this. I sometimes like to use two at the same time. I taped it to the end of a baseball bat for extra length and my special friend yells "play ball".
Reviewer: Gay Ben "Gay Ben"

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Tuesday Nights Dinner Part II in the new my atroci...

Tuesday Nights Dinner

Part II in the new my atrocious eating habits series. Now this particular dish did take me about 25 minuets to prepare which is about 20 minuets longer than I would prefer to be cooking. What I did in this case was remain productive while I cooked; cleaned the kitchen, got coffee maker ready for morning, drank beer, and listened to Fugazi.

My final concoction looked exactly like the picture above. Always remember because you can't be lame and just eat the Hamburger Helper as it comes, I added and onion and some garlic. I then served it with 2 cans of High Life over a baked potato with sour cream. I then proceed right to the TV to watch The Daily Show and consume what I have named Three Cheese Hamtatoe Surprise. Surprise because this s**t actually tasted pretty good!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Eight Can Dump Soup

I'm a single guy and often eat alone which means when it comes to cooking I'm like; fuck that its not worth investing a lot of time. Don't get me wrong I can cook, it is easy, and that is why I will never understand why some people claim to be unable to do it. Like many other single guys I just want to eat now and get it over with most of the time it is more of an inconvenience than anything else. I am also a poor guy witch means that fast food is out. So I end up eating a lot of Mac&Cheese, Ramen, Rice A Ron, or Hamburger Helper, you know anything that can be ready to eat in 10 min and 1 batch also provides me with lunch for the next day.

Now there is another thing that I have been doing lately and that is making a shit-load of food on the weekend and then reheating and eating that for the rest of the week. Last week I made spaghetti and right now I am making 8 Can Dump Soup for my 2nd time ever. This soup is great and very easy to make and most importantly since there are 8 cans of soup that go into it this one batch will feed me for the entire week. Want the recipe well here it is:

1 can chili with beans
1 can chili without beans
1 can whole kernel corn
1 can green beans
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can mixed vegetables
1 can vegetable soup with beef & barley
1 can diced potatoes
1 package ranch dressing (tha powdered shit)