Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Tuesday Nights Dinner Part II in the new my atroci...

Tuesday Nights Dinner

Part II in the new my atrocious eating habits series. Now this particular dish did take me about 25 minuets to prepare which is about 20 minuets longer than I would prefer to be cooking. What I did in this case was remain productive while I cooked; cleaned the kitchen, got coffee maker ready for morning, drank beer, and listened to Fugazi.

My final concoction looked exactly like the picture above. Always remember because you can't be lame and just eat the Hamburger Helper as it comes, I added and onion and some garlic. I then served it with 2 cans of High Life over a baked potato with sour cream. I then proceed right to the TV to watch The Daily Show and consume what I have named Three Cheese Hamtatoe Surprise. Surprise because this s**t actually tasted pretty good!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It may TASTE good, but it looks like SHIAT. Probably a lot like what came out of Renae Saturday Night, and I'm not talking about Metlzer.


3:58 PM  

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