Monday, June 12, 2006


Yes I am a day late posting this again. This time the blame falls on me and not Blogger. I was to lazy and hung over yesterday to even get off the couch. The boat trip was interesting unfortunately I only took 2 pictures the entire time. One of our bathroom on the boat, the piss bucket was very popular with the ladies. Some of them refused to use it and were haling ass for the bathroom as soon as we docked. uDaMan was proud to be the 1st female to use it and equated it to pissing in the woods. After the guys got more liquor in them we just started pissing in the lake. I do really love a good piss in the lake. The pissing situation wasn't the biggest issue it was actually the cold. There was no sun, it was like 50ยบ, and it started to rain. The owners of the boat were not thrilled to be out there either. They did not have a charter license so taking any money from us was technically illegal. The boat ride was also cut short do to the drivers "poor night vision" forcing us to dock before dark. In the end I drove 45 minutes to get to the lake, waited 45 minutes for Metz & Billy to show up because they were running late. Then took a 2.5-3 hour boat ride. I am not complaining, it could have been better, but I was drunk enough to have fun anywhere.

Today's selection was actually presented by myself and a friend of mine as a poem by Glen Benton to our 11th grade English class. The teacher was a real believer and we knew it would really piss her off. It also pissed off some of our fellow classmates. But WTF if they are able to shove their beliefs in my face on a daily bases is it wrong for me to do the same?

11/6/06 Track = Trick or Betrayed

They will say that he loves you, he don't
From their bible they're controlled
His descent they expect in our life
They'll be waiting till they die
Disembark from their path of belief
If in turn will set you free
Cannot live with the fact that they're wrong
That there is no truth in god

Trick or betrayed
Their faith ends in pain
Rip up their bible before is(its?) too late
Time we undo unity
For it is for fools
In this world we don't need

Trick or betrayed

I think you should know
They know it's true
That their book is a hoax
Join us to see through the light
Christ is a scheme and will ruin your life

Trick or betrayed

Why insist on the cross died for us
His infliction never was
They assume that his death brought them life
To be dead will change their minds
When you see what you feel is not real
Disappointment is revealed
Cannot live with the fact that they;re wrong
There is no such thing as god


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