Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ripping Lips

The best fishing term that I have ever herd: "ripping lips" came today from my brother. (pictured below)

It is a pretty obvious term, but let me explain for those of you have lived the "sheltered life". Looking for girls at the bar is often referred to as "trolling" or "fishing". My brother seems to have brought this to another level by referring to fishing as "ripping lips". He came up with this term by reversing the the metaphor of comparing fishing to picking up women. No longer do we even want to pick them up as much as we want to "rip their lips". Upon hearing this the possibilities of ripping lips began running quickly through my head. Laughter followed, women were offended, and this post was written. A new term is born ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. So let's get out there and rip some lips.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent. I'm going to try and rip some lips tonight.

12:54 PM  

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