Friday, July 07, 2006

No Posts for Over a Week

Well fuckin' sorry. I have been really busy and for the most part really drunk. This includes 3 days of boating/tubin/wakeboarding, a pub crawl, and 2 evenings worth of bar visits besides that.

The pub crawl was fun. I will try to write more about it later, but the IRS said he would do the post. Since I fell into this event through hanging out with him I thought this sounded like a good idea. He knows all of the people and bars that we went to and probably even the order. He might also be able to get copies of all of the photos his friends took. The fuckers didn't even use a digital camera so I am not even going to try. All I got was a pic of one of the biggest douchebags that I ever met.

All of the wakeboarding that I got to do over the holiday weekend was very satisfying. Although my neck and my back are fucking killing me now. I am not sure if it is from the falls or the sun, but I am starting to feel better. We also started developing a very interesting game that involved completing a pass from the boat to the tube. Check out the video clip:

Unfortunately, but not really to my surprise I was unable to get any pussy over the holiday. Of course I am almost positive that AFB was getting his dick wet on our nations birthday. He is so patriotic that on even an average evening you can find him lubed up in his living room cornholing some AZN, chewing tobacco, drinking beer, and watching football, all while wearing american flag as a cape.


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